Stay Healthy & Fit
Stay Healthy & Fit – Staying fit and healthy can be very difficult for today’s life. Staying fit requires dedication and lots of physical activity. Why is it good to stay fit? Why eating healthy can save your life? Being healthy live longer? Yes staying fit makes you look younger and also your body looks a whole lot better. Feel better about your body your self. Eating unhealthy can bring many diseases like strokes, heart disease, organ malfunctions, nerve damage, muscle damage and bad blood circulation. Staying unfit and eating unhealthy can ruin your life on the long run. Eating healthy with lots of vegetables and fruits and low fat less sugar and less salt can make you feel better and great for your health.
For people who work in a office sitting down all day can be very devastating for your blood circulation. Yes sitting all day can bring you many unhealthy diseases. Bad blood circulation is one of the most dangerous symptoms you can get and then other organs in your body will be unstable bringing you pain and spending lots of money to the doctors. You will need to sit properly all day long with good body posture. Your feet should be touching the floor and be very comfortable. Each hour you should stand up and stretch or move and shake plus stretching you body. You also need to do some sort of exercise or cardiovascular every day for 30 minutes. At least walk 30 minutes a day and just go out for a jog. Sitting all day can be deadly in the long run so we all need to be very careful with this and take all necessary steps and precautions so we don’t get sick. How Stay Healthy Fit right now tomorrow and future.
Carpal tunnel can also be very bad if you work in a office. There are many types of discomforts for your body just sitting for years. Plus standing all day is bad for your body too. So please try to sit once every hour if you have to stand all day long. Very bad for blood circulation too, plus varicose veins. I know you don’t want none of this so yeah we need to educate our selves first. Fitness by vascular or just stretching your body can help you in life. Eating health is just so important like fitness. You need to have both if you want to feel better for your health and just be disease free. If you need someone or a program to help you maintain or start up a fitness program.
Stay Healthy & Fit
Bottom line is if you sit for long hours and eat unhealthy you are at risk of getting any type of disease. If you don’t exercise by staying fit you will get some sort of disease in the future or you might not be feeling well today. I will suggest to stay fit, do some exercise daily. Eat healthy like fish, avocados, lettuce, spinach, green vegetables, fruits but don’t over do it on the fruit cause it also contains lots of sugar. Eat whole wheat lean meats like chicken breasts on broil or grill. Use less salt, sugar and oil. Eat less saturated fat or the oil that is on french fries. French fries can be cruel to your health. Eat more vegetables and fruits whole grains. Eat less pork, red meat, sugars, salt, don’t eat soy sauce please, less shrimp cause it has lots of cholesterol, less coca cola or Pepsi, less coffee cause it gives you high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure less tea. Less white rice, less white bread, dairy less too, just go with soy milk or walnut milk that doesn’t have much sugar. Sugar is very bad for blood circulation. How Stay Healthy Fit with the below program to help you.
Stay fit. stay healthy. If you have some symptoms like pins and needles arms and legs plus head pressure or red ears then you might have bad circulation. If you feel foggy brain and blur vision then yes you might have it too. You get like electric burning sensation legs and arms like electricity running through your body or like ants sensations on back while trying to sleep. These are just some of the symptoms for bad blood circulation. Plus these are also symptoms for other types of diseases too. If you get real sick as soon as you eat then there is something wrong inside your body. Stay health and fit, do some exercise and eat healthier!
Stay Healthy & Fit